News 17 April 2024


  • 米蒂承诺提供200万英镑的学徒税赠予基金, 支持英国各地的一系列组织培养未来人才
  • With a targeted approach to gifting, since 2021 Mitie has been supporting local communities, groups with barriers to employment, and smaller organisations in the industries it works in
  • Mitie最近的合作是与牛津郡当地企业合作伙伴关系,以支持女性在STEM角色的学徒计划

Mitie已经通过了200万英镑的学徒税捐赠承诺里程碑, 使全英国30多家中小型企业和地方社区澳博官方网站机构能够资助培养未来人才的学徒计划. 只有不到3%的缴纳征费的雇主将征费资金赠予中小企业, 这使得Mitie成为仅有的580家公司之一,将未动用的税收基金用于支持当地社区。.

With more than 1,200 colleagues undertaking an apprenticeship at any one time, 从热泵工程师和数据技术人员到安全人员,在不同的领域工作, Business Administration and Project Management, Mitie支持学徒制,将其作为员工发展的基石. As a large business, Mitie pays into the Apprenticeship Levy each year, 这笔钱用于资助现有同事和新员工的学徒培训和发展. 最近对征费的调整意味着机构也可以将上年度捐款的50%(2)(之前为25%)捐赠给其他机构,以通过学徒计划发展其未来的人才储备.

Since its introduction in 2021, Mitie的“学徒税”(Apprenticeship Levy)赠予计划为其所在行业的一系列中小企业提供了支持,以填补工程领域的技能缺口, construction, data, and digital sectors. For example, Mitie has worked with a not-for-profit social enterprise, 谁在建筑行业为弱势背景的人提供学徒机会, to fund the schemes of 13 apprentices in heating, plumbing, electrical, and carpentry roles. In addition, Mitie最近的合作是与牛津郡本地企业合作伙伴关系(OxLEP)。, an organisation focused on driving economic growth, job creation, and infrastructure development in Oxfordshire. As part of this partnership, Mitie has pledged £100,为女性在科学领域的招聘和发展提供支持, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) apprenticeships.

In commitment to the local communities it serves, Mitie has supported training for local fire establishments, including Manchester Fire Services. Since 2021, Mitie已经支持了8名消防员学徒成功完成他们的课程,成为为大曼彻斯特社区澳博官方网站的专业消防员, 目前正在支持另外18名将于2025年1月完成课程的学生.

Mitie还致力于通过Levy赠与方式,支持以前经历过就业障碍的人获得学徒和就业机会. Mitie的捐赠基金最近被它的一个合作伙伴用来资助七个人, 有残疾或面临社会经济劣势的人, into managerial and leadership apprenticeship schemes. Separately, 最近的支助使以前因精神健康问题长期失业的个人能够工作, 成功获得二级木工和细木工资格,并在合作伙伴公司获得就业机会.

Kate Large, Director of Learning and Development, Mitie, said:

“我们把捐赠的重点放在帮助有就业障碍的群体和支持我们所澳博官方网站的当地社区上. From training firefighters, to helping people overcome long-term difficulties, to welcoming women in STEM, 我们捐赠的200万英镑对培养未来人才产生了积极的影响.”

Notes to editors

(1) Information stated in a written parliamentary question and answer 2024年2月12日,卢克·埃文斯博士写给罗伯特·哈芬议员的信中透露.7%(580名)的缴付征款雇主将资金转移予不缴付征款雇主.

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